I watched all 10 episodes in a few days. It is good but not as addictive as Lost. The reason that keep me watching is Joseph Fiennes. He can literally kill me with his eyes!
So it returns tonight, do you guys still remember what happened before the mid-season break? Mike and Demetri went to Hong Kong to found the woman. Yes, Hong Kong, my city. I was so excited until they arrived at this shabby airport. No, that was not Hong Kong. Of course, those scenes were not something that was worth moving the whole crew across the Pacific. But sailing ship? Seriously? I doubt my grandparents ever seen one sailing on the harbour! And a street full of people riding on bikes? You will have better luck spotting that amount of Ferrari than bikes.
The same goes for OPI Hong Kong Collection. Boring colors, boring names. I didn't get any of those, but I borrowed this from a friend for some reason.
Chop-sticking to My Story is a warm dusty orange/brown creme. Good formula without any application issue, good to go in 2 coats.
I don't do orange, I just don't like this color. I'll show you tomorrow what I needed it for.