Thursday, September 17, 2009

第一次搞團購 - transdesign收貨啦






Essie Matte About You

China Glaze Bermuda Breakaway


China Glaze Lubu Heels - 黑底佈滿紅色sparkles,好靚!

China Glaze Ghoulish Glow - 夜光Top Coat,Halloween去party用啱晒

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

[Swatch] - Essie Chinchilly

Essie Chinchilly
2 coats with base coat, indoor natural light

Granite grey. I think it is a bit mushroomy too.

Application is good, but I may have done it in 3 coats.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

[Swatch] - Essie Mink Muffs

Essie Mink Muffs
2 coats with base coat, indoor natural light

A plush taupe. Usually I would say every taupe is good, but not this one. It is exactly the color of chocolate and I figured it is too brown for my skintone.

No big issue in application, it is opaque in 2 coats but I guess 3 coats should be better.

Monday, September 14, 2009

[Swatch] - Essie Lyford Lilac

Essie Lyford Lilac
2 coats with base coat, indoor natural light

Mauve Lilac. I don't think it is "mauve" enough, would definitely prefer it to be more mushroomy. Remind me of my favourite OPI Tickle my France-y. Making a mental note right now to make a comparison someday later.

No issue in application

Thursday, September 3, 2009

[Swatch] – Misa Fashionista



[Swatch] - OPI Designer Series Diamond

OPI Designer Series Diamond
1 coat with base coat, indoor natural light

Gorgeous glistening plum. I don't know why it is plum when it is called "diamond", but I am loving it
anyway. The shade is so soft and feminine.

Application is prefect

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

[Swatch] - OPI Designer Series Sapphire

OPI Designer Series Sapphire
1 coat with base coat, indoor natural light

A very light blue with tons of micro glitters. I should have done it in 2 or 3 coats.

Application is prefect.

[Swatch] - OPI Designer Series Reflection

OPI Designer Series Reflection
2 coats with base coat, indoor natural light

Rich glowing ruby. It reminds me of Chinese New Year somehow, totally screaming "too holiday".

Application is prefect.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

開箱文 - head2toe訂的指甲油



上排左起︰Misa Fashionista / Misa Dirty, Sexy, Money / Misa Love Bite / Color Club Sex Symbol / Poshe Super-fast Drying Top-coat
下排左起︰OPI Time-less is more / OPI Parlez-vous OPI? / OPI You Don't Know Jacques! / OPI Tickle My France-y / Orly Beverly Hills Plum

再來大頭mugshot (以下價錢全為美金)

Poshe Super-fast Drying Top-coat $4.5

相信很多人的HG top-coat都是 Seche Vite,我原本都是打算買支SV來試試,可是後來在我經常去朝拜的All Lacquered Up看到了她們測試幾支top coat (包括Psohe, Seche Vite, Zoya & NYX) 的文章,發現Michelle, All Lacquered Up的主人, 比較喜歡Poshe,因為Poshe沒有SV那麼稠,比較易塗,而且也沒有SV出現的cuticle drag。(這裡有詳細內容)

我試了一下,質地跟一般甲油差不多,沒有很稠,很易塗。他們自稱 "dry to tocuh in 1 minute, completely dry in 5 minutes",我塗了1分鐘後摸仍然是濕的,多等5分鐘再摸就真的乾了。完全乾是大概15分鐘後的事(我是將2隻指甲面碰撞,看看有沒有tacky的感覺來測試)。雖然他沒有聲稱的快,可是我們是生活在香港這樣又熱又濕的地方,我認為15分鐘就可以乾透已經是很好,而且真的是完全沒有氣泡!我特地拿了一支買了很久,練習了很多次,只用剩半瓶,可是一次也沒有塗好出過門,超級streaky的Seche甲油來試。厚厚的塗了幾層,顏色才比較even,再塗一層Poshe,乾了也沒有一個氣泡,這支Seche甲油終於有用武之地啦。

Misa Fashionista $3

很多外國的blogger都讚Misa的質地,都是很易塗,所以我也一次敗了3支,果然都沒有令我失望。刷頭不是OPI那種Pro-wide brush,是比較幼,但塗的時間很順滑,完全沒有問題。這幾支基本上塗一層已經是瓶身的顏色,而且已經好even,不過我習慣塗2-3層。

Misa Dirty, Sexy, Money $3

Misa另一個特點就是他們起的名是很有創意,這一支我只為了他的名字已經可以買下了 (有人看過同名的美劇嗎?)。這是我買的第一支綠色甲油,很特別的

Misa Love Bite $3

這是很vampy的紅,有點黑,但是一定可以看得出他是紅色的。不像Lincoln Park After Dark的傷透我的心,在大部份光線下都是黑色。

Color Club Sex Symbol $2.5

我人很貪心,原本打算head2toe有在賣的甲油牌子都買1-2支來試,但是偏偏Color Club跟Creative Nail Design (CND)就是怎樣也找不到合心水的顏色。就在煩惱之際,在Queenie的blog看到她bling爆浮誇銀色glitter水晶甲,雙眼發光,腦裡亦靈光一閃想起看過這個swatch跟她的水晶甲有8成似,立刻決定買定了。

其實我不知道那一刻是否壞了頭腦,莫講是glitter,連shimmer我也不喜歡,簡單來說就是獨愛creme! 會看上這個超濃密的glitter的原因不明,可是我已經很心急想塗這個出門了!

Orly Beverly Hills Plum $3.5

很多人讚Orly的rubberlized瓶蓋,易開好拿,為什麼其他廠商不"參考"一下呢? 很大一瓶,有18ml,比一般15ml的足足多20%,偏偏是我這一批之中再不喜歡的。這支聲稱是做French Manicure用的,可是我覺得有點太紅,而且再一次證實我除了creme之外,對其他質地都是有偏見的。

OPI Time-less is More $4.75

這是Polish Addict的
Stephanie推薦的"perfect off-white"。刷上後是cream的顏色,不像一般白色的streaky,很順滑,很sheer,刷了3層仍未完全實色。

OPI Parlez-vous OPI? $4.75

OPI的法國系列是我最喜歡的,所以一次買了3支,全都很好刷。這是灰紫色,愛死了。原本有點擔心這支跟Misa Fashionista很相似,因為瓶身的顏色沒有差很多,可是擦上去後完全不像,放心晒。

OPI You Don't Know Jacques! $4.75


OPI Tickle My France-y $4.75


開箱驗貨的時候已經發現這3支opi法國系列慘遭毀容。原本以為是存放的時間刮花了也沒有介懷,可是後來發現瓶底的貼紙也跟平時的不同,就突然想到那不是隨意的刮花,而是serial number被人刻意的刮走了。很可疑,我已經發了email問head2toe 那邊,大概要明天才有回覆。

內容大概就是說由於他們經很多不同供應商訂貨,供應商為了保護他們的貨源,就把serial number刮走,也會撕掉瓶底貼紙的第一層。又說如果我不滿意的話可以退貨。


等了又等,終於見到他們的真身,非常感動。話說他們都是經我在網上研究了很多swatches,千挑萬選才入手的,當然急不及待要為他們驗明正身。(以下除了Love Bite, Time-less is more 跟 Sex Symbol是3層外,其他都是base coat + 2 coats, no top coat)



1) 是3大熱門甲油etailer之一 (另外2間為8ty8beauty, transdesign)
2) 有OPI, Essie, Misa, Color Club, 而China Glaze及CND只供美國發售
3) 除了甲油外,還有其他nail care,hair care and skin care
4) International shipping可以選Express, Priority, First Class。我這次訂了10支,差不多2磅,用First Class,包裹上的郵資是$17.64,但他們收了我$19.14的shipping & handling,即其中$1.5是handling fee。他們包裝得很仔細,有bubble,有大量發泡膠粒,收到時完好無缺。
5) 郵費方面,落單後他們會email各種方法的實收
郵費給你,到時候再決定用那種方法寄。First Class當然最平,而且也不是很慢,一星期已經收到,可是沒有tracking,寄失了他們也不會負責的。另外,也可以落單前先將你要訂的貨的product code和數量email給他們,他們也會告訴你大概的shipping charges
6) 溝通方面,email大概要等2天才會回覆(我可是都在他們美國的辦公時間email他們的!),即使是正式order了,也得等了4天他們才覆我郵費,很慢!

1) 有OPI, Misa, Color Club, Seche, China Glaze及CND
2) International shipping可以選Express, Priority, First Class。
3) 我上個月email問郵費,他是這樣回覆:
Shipping is $15.00 but the is NO tracking and NO insurance coverage.
We try to pack our best but NO damage claim is allowed due to the cheap
shipping cost.
If you order up to 24 polishes , shipping cost is $48.00 - USPS Global
Please read shipping instructions carefully and decide if you are OK.
For overseas, please make sure all items are 0.5 ozs and see shipping quotes
Minimum shipping cost is $15.00 and you can order up to 6 polishes.
From 7 to 12 bottles, shipping cost is $30.00 - Normally - 7 to 30 days
Please note that there is NO tracking and NO insurance coverage for theses
small package shipping.
Please try to share with friends and order 50 polishes and shipping cost is
$82.00 - USPS Express shipping with tracking and insurance coverage - 5 - 6
100 polishes -
$142.00 - USPS Express with tracking.
4) Tom是主要的聯絡人(聞說是老闆),回email的效率很高,一般都是一天內覆。
4) 原本準備要在他們家訂的,可是什麼也缺貨,好像我要訂的OPI法國系列,3支都缺貨,所以便到head2toe了。

1) 有OPI, Essie, Misa, China Glaze及CND,還有Nicole by OPI,跟一些我不認識的品牌
2) 顏色選擇比另外2家少,不過新貨推出較快,OPI Spain Collection早就有了。
3) 最近應該會訂,到時候再報告。
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